import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.units as u
In this series of notebooks, we will understand how to handle white noise in the case of an experiment with sky observations which are both not-uniform and have partial sky coverage.
Let’s first start assuming a sensitivity of an experiment array of detectors of
# Number based on Simons Observatory SAT UHF1 array of detectors
= 10. * u.Unit("uK * sqrt(s)") net
5 years with a efficiency of 20%:
= 5 * u.year * .2 integration_time_total
Uniform full sky survey
As a reference, let’s first start with the trivial case of uniform full sky coverage, i.e. we spend the same amount of observation time in each pixel.
= 512
nside = hp.nside2npix(nside) npix
= (net / np.sqrt(integration_time_total/npix)).decompose() standard_deviation_per_pixel
= np.random.normal(scale = standard_deviation_per_pixel.value, size=npix) * standard_deviation_per_pixel.unit m
= m
=m.unit, title="White noise map") hp.mollview(m, unit
Power spectrum
Finally we can compute the angular power spectrum with anafast
, i.e. the power as a function of the angular scales, from low
At low
= hp.anafast(m) cl
100:].mean() cl[
= hp.nside2pixarea(nside) pixel_area
= (standard_deviation_per_pixel**2 * pixel_area).to(u.uK**2) white_noise_cl
plt.figure(figsize="Map power spectrum", alpha=.7)
plt.loglog(cl, label0, len(cl), label="White noise level")
plt.hlines(white_noise_cl.value, "Fullsky white noise spectrum")
plt.xlabel("$C_\ell [\mu K ^ 2]$"); plt.ylabel(