import healpy as hp
HEALPix maps are generally stored in FITS format, they can be Gzipped to save disk space. Reading gzipped maps is natively supported in healpy
, however, it takes longer because maps are uncompressed on the fly.
As usual, the best way to assess this is to test. In this case, I am testing using the JupyterHub@NERSC running on a Cori shared CPU server, the maps have about 30% of unobserved pixels and are stored in double precision.
For this case, the performance loss due to compression is significant, in particular if accessing just a subset of the maps. Therefore it is hard to justify compression, unless storage is really a limiting factor.
This is heavily case-dependent, so a new test (possibly reusing this notebook) should be performed on a different dataset and machine.
/global/cfs/cdirs/cmbs4/dc/dc1/ cd
!rm -r test_readgzip || true
%mkdir test_readgzip
cd test_readgzip
Stage data
= ["test1", "test2", "test1gz", "test2gz"]
folders = " ".join(folders) folders_string
!mkdir -p $folders_string
= "../staging/noise_sim/outputs_rk/coadd/LAT0_CHLAT"
input_folder = "coadd_LAT0_CHLAT_f150_001of001_map.fits"
m = "coadd_LAT0_CHLAT_f150_001of001_cov.fits" cov
for f in folders:
!cp $input_folder/$m $input_folder/$cov $f
for f in folders:
if f.endswith("gz"):
!time gzip $f/$m
!time gzip $f/$cov
real 3m24.095s
user 3m13.681s
sys 0m4.717s
real 5m27.430s
user 5m13.233s
sys 0m7.657s
real 3m22.517s
user 3m12.237s
sys 0m4.510s
real 5m21.693s
user 5m7.241s
sys 0m7.664s
ls test1gz
for each in [m, cov]:
= !stat -c "%s" test1/$each
fits += ".gz"
each = !stat -c "%s" test1gz/$each
gz print(f"{each} compression factor: {int(gz[0])/int(fits[0]):.0%}")
coadd_LAT0_CHLAT_f150_001of001_map.fits.gz compression factor: 63%
coadd_LAT0_CHLAT_f150_001of001_cov.fits.gz compression factor: 42%
Benchmark map access
= hp.read_map(f"test1/{m}", (0,1,2)) _
CPU times: user 33.2 s, sys: 26.4 s, total: 59.6 s
Wall time: 1min 6s
= hp.read_map(f"test1gz/{m}.gz", (0,1,2)) _
CPU times: user 1min 36s, sys: 24.7 s, total: 2min 1s
Wall time: 2min 2s
= hp.read_map(f"test2/{m}", 0) _
CPU times: user 10.6 s, sys: 9.98 s, total: 20.6 s
Wall time: 27.3 s
= hp.read_map(f"test2gz/{m}.gz", 0) _
CPU times: user 1min 12s, sys: 11.8 s, total: 1min 24s
Wall time: 1min 25s
Benchmark noise covariance access
= hp.read_map(f"test1/{cov}", (0,1,2,3,4,5)) _
CPU times: user 1min 13s, sys: 50 s, total: 2min 3s
Wall time: 2min 23s
= hp.read_map(f"test1gz/{cov}.gz", (0,1,2,3,4,5)) _
CPU times: user 3min 10s, sys: 54.9 s, total: 4min 5s
Wall time: 4min 6s
= hp.read_map(f"test2/{cov}", 0) _
CPU times: user 10.9 s, sys: 13.5 s, total: 24.4 s
Wall time: 44.2 s
= hp.read_map(f"test2gz/{cov}.gz", 0) _
CPU times: user 2min 7s, sys: 19.5 s, total: 2min 27s
Wall time: 2min 28s