Deploy Kubernetes and JupyterHub on Jetstream with Magnum and Cluster API


December 11, 2024

This tutorial deploys Kubernetes on Jetstream with Magnum and then JupyterHub on top of that using zero-to-jupyterhub.

The Jetstream team recently enabled the Cluster API on the Openstack deployment as the backend for Openstack Magnum to launch Kubernetes clusters. Clusters created via Magnum have several advantages compared to our previous deployment via Kubespray:


First install the OpenStack and Magnum client:

pip install python-openstackclient python-magnumclient

This tutorial used openstack 6.1.0 and python-magnumclient 4.7.0.

And create an updated app credential for the client to access the API. Jetstream recently updated permissions, so even if you have an already working app credential, create another one ‘Unrestricted (dangerous)’ application credential with all permissions, including the “loadbalancer” permission, in the project where you will be creating the cluster, and source it to expose the environment variables in your local environment where you’ll be running the openstack commands.

Once we have launched a cluster, we will want to manage it using standard Kubernetes tooling, any recent version should work:

Create the cluster with Magnum

Check out the cluster templates available:

openstack coe cluster template list

List clusters (initially empty):

openstack coe cluster list

As usual, checkout the repository with all the configuration files on the machine you will use the Jetstream API from, typically your laptop.

git clone
cd jupyterhub-deploy-kubernetes-jetstream
cd kubernetes_magnum

A cluster can be created with:

export K8S_CLUSTER_NAME=k8s

See inside the file for the most commonly used parameters, the script awaits for the cluster to complete deployment successfully, it should take about 10 minutes.

The cluster consumes resources when active, it can be switched off with:


Consider this is deleting all Jetstream virtual machines and data that could be stored in JupyterHub.

Once status is CREATE_COMPLETE, get the Kubernetes config file in the current folder:

openstack coe cluster config $K8S_CLUSTER_NAME --force
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/config
chmod 600 config

eval is used because the command returns the correct export KUBECONFIG statement.

Now the usual kubectl commands should work:

> kubectl get nodes
NAME                                          STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-control-plane-6rn2z          Ready    control-plane   2m22s   v1.30.4
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-control-plane-nw4cc          Ready    control-plane   41s     v1.30.4
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-control-plane-w9jln          Ready    control-plane   5m8s    v1.30.4
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-default-worker-jb5lm-gvvjm   Ready    <none>          2m21s   v1.30.4

Scale manually

List the node groups:

openstack coe nodegroup list $K8S_CLUSTER_NAME

Increase number of worker nodes:

openstack coe cluster resize --nodegroup default-worker $K8S_CLUSTER_NAME 3

Confirm that there are 3 worker nodes:

kubectl get nodes

Enable the autoscaler

We can enable the autocaler setting the max_node_count property on the default-worker nodegroup:

openstack coe nodegroup update $K8S_CLUSTER_NAME default-worker replace /max_node_count=5

Now we can test the autoscaler,

kubectl create -f high_mem_dep.yaml
kubectl scale deployment high-memory-deployment --replicas 6

In the log of the pods we can notice that this triggered creation of more nodes:

  Normal   TriggeredScaleUp        113s  cluster-autoscaler  pod triggered scale-up: [{MachineDeployment/magnum-83bd0e70b4ba4cd092c2fb82b1ce06fb/k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-default-worker 2->5 (max: 5)}]

And in fact, within a couple of minutes:

> kubectl get nodes
NAME                                          STATUS   ROLES           AGE    VERSION
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-control-plane-6rn2z          Ready    control-plane   26m    v1.30.4
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-control-plane-nw4cc          Ready    control-plane   25m    v1.30.4
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-control-plane-w9jln          Ready    control-plane   29m    v1.30.4
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-default-worker-jb5lm-cpsqx   Ready    <none>          94s    v1.30.4
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-default-worker-jb5lm-dqww9   Ready    <none>          91s    v1.30.4
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-default-worker-jb5lm-gvvjm   Ready    <none>          26m    v1.30.4
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-default-worker-jb5lm-pmptm   Ready    <none>          5m4s   v1.30.4
k8s-mbbffjfee7zs-default-worker-jb5lm-sss6b   Ready    <none>          97s    v1.30.4

We still have 1 pending pod but the autoscaler has a limit of 5 workers, so it won’t launch other nodes:

> kubectl get pods
NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
high-memory-deployment-85785c87d-4zbrv   1/1     Running   0          4m5s
high-memory-deployment-85785c87d-5xtvq   0/1     Pending   0          4m5s
high-memory-deployment-85785c87d-6ds4c   1/1     Running   0          4m5s
high-memory-deployment-85785c87d-qhclc   1/1     Running   0          4m5s
high-memory-deployment-85785c87d-qxlf2   1/1     Running   0          4m5s
high-memory-deployment-85785c87d-rk8sb   1/1     Running   0          5m8s

Test Persistent Volumes

Magnum comes with a default storage class for persistent volumes which relies on Openstack Cinder, we can test with a simple pod:

kubectl create -f ../alpine-persistent-volume.yaml
kubectl describe pod alpine

Install NGINX controller

In principle we do not need an Ingress because the Openstack Load Balancer can directly route traffic to JupyterHub. However, there is no way of getting a HTTPS certificate without an Ingress.

Install the NGINX Ingress controller with:

helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
             --repo \
             --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace

Install JupyterHub

Finally, we can go back to the root of the repository and install JupyterHub, first create the secrets file:


The default secrets.yaml file assumes you are deploying on a subdomain, if that is not the case, edit the file with your own domain.


Configure a subdomain

Jetstream also provides subdomains to each project as:


where PROJ is the ID of your Jestream 2 allocation:

export PROJ="xxx000000" 

Given the public IP of the NGINX ingress controller:

kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller

If you have a custom subdomain, you can configure an A record that points to the EXTERNAL-IP of the service, otherwise use Openstack to create a record:

openstack recordset create  $ k8s --type A --record $IP --ttl 3600

Access JupyterHub at https://k8s.$


Finally, to get a valid certificate, deploy cert-manager with:

kubectl apply -f

and a Cluster Issuer:

kubectl create -f ../setup_https/https_cluster_issuer.yml

Now your deployment should have a valid HTTPS certificate.

Issues and feedback

Please open an issue on the repository to report any issue or give feedback.